+++ date="2022-12-25" author="spanskiduh" title="rust" description="click to read about rust" +++ # RUST ## Basic cli tools - `cargo init` ~ create new rust project - `cargo run` ~ build & run - `cargo build` ~ just build - `cargo build --release` ~ minimal release version (optimized) ## Rust basics ### Arrays ```rust // Arrays are allocated on stack just like in C pub fn run() { let mut numbers: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; numbers[2] = 20; // [1, 2, 20, 4, 5] println!("Single value: {}", numbers[0]); // 1 println!("Array length: {}",numbers.len()); // 5 // Arrays are stack allocated println!("Array occupies {} bytes", std::mem::size_of_val(&numbers)); // 20 bytes // Get slice let sliced: &[i32] = &numbers[0..2]; println!("Sliced: {:?}", sliced); // [1, 2] } ``` ### CLI arguments ```rust use std::env; pub fn run() { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let command = args[1].clone(); let name = "spanskiduh"; println!("Command: {}", command); if command == "hello" { println!("Hi {}, how are you?", name); } } ``` ### Conditionals ```rust // Conditionals - Used to check the condition of something and act on the result pub fn run() { let age: u8 = 18; let check_id: bool = false; let knows_person_of_age = true; // If / Else if age >= 21 && check_id || knows_person_of_age { println!("bartender: What would you like to drink?"); // This gets printed } else if age < 21 && check_id{ println!("bartender: Sorry, you have to leave."); } else { println!("bartender: I'll need to see your ID"); } // Shorthand If (similar to terminary operator) let is_of_age = if age >= 21 {true} else {false}; } ``` ### Enums ```rust enum Movement { Up, Down, Left, Right } fn move_avatar(m: Movement) { match m { Movement::Up => println!("Avatar moving up"), Movement::Down => println!("Avatar moving down"), Movement::Left => println!("Avatar moving left"), Movement::Right => println!("Avatar moving right"), } } pub fn run() { let avatar1 = Movement::Left; let avatar2 = Movement::Up; let avatar3 = Movement::Right; let avatar4 = Movement::Down; move_avatar(avatar1); move_avatar(avatar2); move_avatar(avatar3); move_avatar(avatar4); } ``` ### Functions ```rust pub fn run() { greeting("Hello", "Jane"); // Bind function values to variables let get_sum = add(5, 5); println!("Sum: {}", get_sum); // Closure let n3: i32 = 10; let add_nums = |n1: i32, n2: i32 | n1 + n2 + n3; println!("C Sum: {}", add_nums(3,3)); // 16 } fn greeting(greet: &str, name: &str) { println!("{} {}, nice to meet you!", greet, name); } fn add(n1: i32, n2: i32) -> i32 { n1 + n2 } ``` ### Loops ```rust // Loops - Used to iterate until a condition is met pub fn run(){ let mut count = 0; // Infinite Loop loop { count += 1; println!("Number: {}", count); if count == 20 { break; } } // While loop (FizzBuzz) while count <= 100 { if count % 15 == 0 { println!("FizzBuzz"); } else if count % 3 == 0 { println!("Fiz"); } else if count % 5 == 0 { println!("Buzz"); } else { println!("{}", count); } count += 1; } // For range for x in 0..100 { if x % 15 == 0 { println!("FizzBuzz"); } else if x % 3 == 0 { println!("Fiz"); } else if x % 5 == 0 { println!("Buzz"); } else { println!("{}", x); } } } ``` ### Pointer references ```rust // With non-privitieves, if you assign another variable to a piece of data, the // first varaible will no longer hold that value. You'll need to use a reference // (&) to point to the resource. pub fn run() { // Primitive array let arr1 = [1, 2, 3]; let arr2 = arr1; // Vector let vec1 = vec![1, 2, 3]; let vec2 = &vec1; println!("{:?}", (arr1, arr2)); // ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) println!("{:?}", (&vec1, vec2)); // ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) } ``` ### Format strings ```rust pub fn run() { // Print to console println!("Hello from print.rs file"); println!("{} se uci {}", "Gasper", "rust"); // Positional args println!("{0} is from {1} and {0} likes to {2}", "Gasper", "SLovEniA", "program"); // Named args println!("{name} likes to play {activity}", name = "John", activity = "Tennis"); // Placeholder traits println!("Binary: {:b} Hex: {:x} Octal: {:o}", 10, 10, 10); // Binary: 1010 Hex: a Octal: 12 // Placeholder for debug trait println!("{:?}", (12, true, "hello")); // (12, true, "hello") // Basic math println!("10 + 10 = {}", 10 + 10); } ``` ### String manipulation ```rust // Primitve str = Immutable fixed-length string somewhere in memory // String = Growable, heal-allocated data structure - Use when you need to modify // or own strign data pub fn run() { let hello = "Hello"; // Primitve let mut growale_hello = String::from("Hello "); // Growable // Get string length, works for both types println!("Length: {}", hello.len()); // Append, only Growable growale_hello.push('W'); growale_hello.push_str("orld!"); // Capacity in bytes (work on both) println!("Capacity: {}", growale_hello.capacity()); println!("Is Empty: {}", hello.is_empty()); println!("Is Empty: {}", growale_hello.is_empty()); // Substring?? println!("{} -> Contains 'World' {}", hello, hello.contains("World")); println!("{} -> Contains 'World' {}", growale_hello, growale_hello.contains("World")); // Replace println!("Replace: {}", growale_hello.replace("World", "Bro")); println!("Replace: {}", hello.replace("Hello", "Bye")); // Loop through string by whitespace for word in growale_hello.split_whitespace() { println!("{}", word); } // Create string with predefined capacity let mut s = String::with_capacity(10); s.push('a'); s.push('b'); println!("{}", s); // ab // Assertion testing assert_eq!(2, s.len()); assert_eq!(10, s.capacity()); } ``` ### Structs ```rust // Traditional struct struct Color { red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8, } // Tuple struct struct Color2(u8, u8, u8); struct Person { first_name: String, last_name: String } impl Person { // Construct person fn new(first: &str, last: &str) -> Person { Person { first_name: first.to_string(), last_name: last.to_string() } } // Get full name fn full_name(&self) -> String { format!("{} {}", self.first_name, self.last_name) } // Set last name fn set_last_name(&mut self, last:&str) { self.last_name = last.to_string(); } // Name to tuple fn to_tuple(self) -> (String, String) { (self.first_name, self.last_name) } } pub fn run() { let mut c = Color { red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0 }; c.red = 200; println!("color: {} {} {}", c.red, c.green, c.blue); let mut c2 = Color2(255, 0, 0); c2.0 = 200; println!("color: {} {} {}", c2.0, c2.1, c2.2); let mut p = Person::new("Marry", "Doe"); println!("Person {} {}", p.first_name, p.last_name); p.set_last_name("Doee"); println!("Person {}", p.full_name()); println!("Person tuple {:?}", p.to_tuple()); } ``` ### Tuples ```rust // Max 12 elements, diffrent types allowed pub fn run() { let person: (&str, &str, i8) = ("Gasper", "NG", 22); println!("{} is from {} and is {}", person.0, person.1, person.2); } ``` ### Types ```rust pub fn run() { // default is "i32" let x = 1; // default is "f64" let y = 2.5; // Add explicit type let z: i64 = 33213123; // Find max size println!("Max i32: {}", std::i32::MAX); println!("Max i64: {}", std::i64::MAX); // Boolean let is_active: bool = true; // Get boolean from expression let is_greater:bool = 10 > 5; let a1 = 'a'; let face = '\u{1F600}'; println!("{:?}", (x, y, z, is_active, is_greater, a1, face)); // (1, 2.5, 33213123, true, true, 'a', '😀') } ``` ### Variables ```rust // Variables hold primitive data or references to data // Variables are immutable by default (u cannot reasign them) // Rust is a block-scoped language pub fn run() { let name = "Gasper"; let mut age = 22; let mut i_mutate: i128 = 42069; println!("My name is {} and I am {}", name, age); // Chage vaue age = 23; // Define constant const ID: i32 = 001; // Assign multiple vars let (my_name, my_age) = ("Gasper", 200); let mut i = 0; while i < 10 { i_mutate = i_mutate + 420; println!("Value: {}", i_mutate); i = i + 1; } } ``` ### Vectors ```rust // Vectors are resizable arrays stored on a heap use std::mem; pub fn run() { let mut numbers: Vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // Assign a value numbers[2] = 20; // Add on to a vector numbers.push(5); numbers.push(6); // Pop off last value numbers.pop(); // [1, 2, 20, 4, 5, 5] println!("Single value: {}", numbers[0]); // 1 println!("Vector length: {}",numbers.len()); // 6 // Vectors are heap allocated println!("Vector occupies {} bytes", mem::size_of_val(&numbers)); // 24 // Get slice let sliced: &[i32] = &numbers[0..2]; println!("Sliced: {:?}", sliced); // Sliced: [1, 2] // Loop through vector values for x in numbers.iter() { println!("Number: {}", x); } // Loop and mutate values for x in numbers.iter_mut() { *x *= 2; } // [2, 4, 40, 8, 10, 10] } ```