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Last login: Thu Feb 1 14:51:05 2024 from
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Welcome to the very vulnerable VM, somewhat similar what we can expect at Locked
There are few tasks for you:
- protect the VM preserving the following services in running (and secure)
- web server
- ssh server: all users (including root) should be allowed to login
- dns server
- identify as many vulnerabilities in the VM as possible
- all passwords are set to `Admin1Admin1`. You are encouraged to change them.
- write down the vulnerabilities with short explanation what this vulnerability
can cause
- write ansible playbook (preferred) or a bash script, which will mitigate the
vulnerabilities and will still serve the web, ssh and dns services
- share the "documentation" with description of identified vulnerabilities and
code to Github links preferred.
Some notes:
- the VM will be forcefully shutdown so make changes permanent
- root user should be allowed to login from with the following ssh
- ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC55vv1HAHwUOxZ+Zn4IcswclUkLEP2eA0tJG3BwE0pO
- ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINKOliO5L0TA84lclwmsdu+Wcm/r3LDQH9G2jICZ3ECC
- defense (and documentation, either through code or description) is more
important than finding vulnerabilities
- you do not need to go into details explaining vulnerabilities
- we will share the planted vulnerabilities afterwards