Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: nbclassic Version: 0.4.8 Summary: A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing Home-page: Author: Jupyter Development Team Author-email: License: BSD Keywords: Interactive,Interpreter,Shell,Web Platform: Linux Platform: Mac OS X Platform: Windows Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Requires-Python: >=3.7 Description-Content-Type: text/markdown License-File: LICENSE Requires-Dist: jinja2 Requires-Dist: tornado (>=6.1) Requires-Dist: pyzmq (>=17) Requires-Dist: argon2-cffi Requires-Dist: traitlets (>=4.2.1) Requires-Dist: jupyter-core (>=4.6.1) Requires-Dist: jupyter-client (>=6.1.1) Requires-Dist: ipython-genutils Requires-Dist: jupyter-server (>=1.8) Requires-Dist: nbformat Requires-Dist: notebook-shim (>=0.1.0) Requires-Dist: nbconvert (>=5) Requires-Dist: nest-asyncio (>=1.5) Requires-Dist: ipykernel Requires-Dist: Send2Trash (>=1.8.0) Requires-Dist: terminado (>=0.8.3) Requires-Dist: prometheus-client Provides-Extra: docs Requires-Dist: sphinx ; extra == 'docs' Requires-Dist: nbsphinx ; extra == 'docs' Requires-Dist: sphinxcontrib-github-alt ; extra == 'docs' Requires-Dist: sphinx-rtd-theme ; extra == 'docs' Requires-Dist: myst-parser ; extra == 'docs' Provides-Extra: json-logging Requires-Dist: json-logging ; extra == 'json-logging' Provides-Extra: test Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: coverage ; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: requests ; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: testpath ; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: nbval ; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: pytest-playwright ; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: pytest-tornasync ; extra == 'test' Requires-Dist: requests-unixsocket ; (sys_platform != "win32") and extra == 'test' The Jupyter NbClassic is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. The NbClassic has support for multiple programming languages, sharing, and interactive widgets. Read `the documentation `_ for more information.