r""" A module for parsing a subset of the TeX math syntax and rendering it to a Matplotlib backend. For a tutorial of its usage, see :doc:`/tutorials/text/mathtext`. This document is primarily concerned with implementation details. The module uses pyparsing_ to parse the TeX expression. .. _pyparsing: https://pypi.org/project/pyparsing/ The Bakoma distribution of the TeX Computer Modern fonts, and STIX fonts are supported. There is experimental support for using arbitrary fonts, but results may vary without proper tweaking and metrics for those fonts. """ from collections import namedtuple import functools import logging import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import _api, _mathtext from matplotlib.ft2font import FT2Image, LOAD_NO_HINTING from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from ._mathtext import ( # noqa: reexported API RasterParse, VectorParse, get_unicode_index) _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) get_unicode_index.__module__ = __name__ @_api.deprecated("3.6") class MathtextBackend: """ The base class for the mathtext backend-specific code. `MathtextBackend` subclasses interface between mathtext and specific Matplotlib graphics backends. Subclasses need to override the following: - :meth:`render_glyph` - :meth:`render_rect_filled` - :meth:`get_results` And optionally, if you need to use a FreeType hinting style: - :meth:`get_hinting_type` """ def __init__(self): self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.depth = 0 def set_canvas_size(self, w, h, d): """Set the dimension of the drawing canvas.""" self.width = w self.height = h self.depth = d def render_glyph(self, ox, oy, info): """ Draw a glyph described by *info* to the reference point (*ox*, *oy*). """ raise NotImplementedError() def render_rect_filled(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ Draw a filled black rectangle from (*x1*, *y1*) to (*x2*, *y2*). """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_results(self, box): """ Return a backend-specific tuple to return to the backend after all processing is done. """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_hinting_type(self): """ Get the FreeType hinting type to use with this particular backend. """ return LOAD_NO_HINTING @_api.deprecated("3.6") class MathtextBackendAgg(MathtextBackend): """ Render glyphs and rectangles to an FTImage buffer, which is later transferred to the Agg image by the Agg backend. """ def __init__(self): self.ox = 0 self.oy = 0 self.image = None self.mode = 'bbox' self.bbox = [0, 0, 0, 0] super().__init__() def _update_bbox(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): self.bbox = [min(self.bbox[0], x1), min(self.bbox[1], y1), max(self.bbox[2], x2), max(self.bbox[3], y2)] def set_canvas_size(self, w, h, d): super().set_canvas_size(w, h, d) if self.mode != 'bbox': self.image = FT2Image(np.ceil(w), np.ceil(h + max(d, 0))) def render_glyph(self, ox, oy, info): if self.mode == 'bbox': self._update_bbox(ox + info.metrics.xmin, oy - info.metrics.ymax, ox + info.metrics.xmax, oy - info.metrics.ymin) else: info.font.draw_glyph_to_bitmap( self.image, ox, oy - info.metrics.iceberg, info.glyph, antialiased=mpl.rcParams['text.antialiased']) def render_rect_filled(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): if self.mode == 'bbox': self._update_bbox(x1, y1, x2, y2) else: height = max(int(y2 - y1) - 1, 0) if height == 0: center = (y2 + y1) / 2.0 y = int(center - (height + 1) / 2.0) else: y = int(y1) self.image.draw_rect_filled(int(x1), y, np.ceil(x2), y + height) def get_results(self, box): self.image = None self.mode = 'render' return _mathtext.ship(box).to_raster() def get_hinting_type(self): from matplotlib.backends import backend_agg return backend_agg.get_hinting_flag() @_api.deprecated("3.6") class MathtextBackendPath(MathtextBackend): """ Store information to write a mathtext rendering to the text path machinery. """ _Result = namedtuple("_Result", "width height depth glyphs rects") def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.glyphs = [] self.rects = [] def render_glyph(self, ox, oy, info): oy = self.height - oy + info.offset self.glyphs.append((info.font, info.fontsize, info.num, ox, oy)) def render_rect_filled(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): self.rects.append((x1, self.height - y2, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) def get_results(self, box): return _mathtext.ship(box).to_vector() @_api.deprecated("3.6") class MathTextWarning(Warning): pass ############################################################################## # MAIN class MathTextParser: _parser = None _font_type_mapping = { 'cm': _mathtext.BakomaFonts, 'dejavuserif': _mathtext.DejaVuSerifFonts, 'dejavusans': _mathtext.DejaVuSansFonts, 'stix': _mathtext.StixFonts, 'stixsans': _mathtext.StixSansFonts, 'custom': _mathtext.UnicodeFonts, } def __init__(self, output): """ Create a MathTextParser for the given backend *output*. Parameters ---------- output : {"path", "agg"} Whether to return a `VectorParse` ("path") or a `RasterParse` ("agg", or its synonym "macosx"). """ self._output_type = _api.check_getitem( {"path": "vector", "agg": "raster", "macosx": "raster"}, output=output.lower()) def parse(self, s, dpi=72, prop=None): """ Parse the given math expression *s* at the given *dpi*. If *prop* is provided, it is a `.FontProperties` object specifying the "default" font to use in the math expression, used for all non-math text. The results are cached, so multiple calls to `parse` with the same expression should be fast. Depending on the *output* type, this returns either a `VectorParse` or a `RasterParse`. """ # lru_cache can't decorate parse() directly because prop # is mutable; key the cache using an internal copy (see # text._get_text_metrics_with_cache for a similar case). prop = prop.copy() if prop is not None else None return self._parse_cached(s, dpi, prop) @functools.lru_cache(50) def _parse_cached(self, s, dpi, prop): from matplotlib.backends import backend_agg if prop is None: prop = FontProperties() fontset_class = _api.check_getitem( self._font_type_mapping, fontset=prop.get_math_fontfamily()) load_glyph_flags = { "vector": LOAD_NO_HINTING, "raster": backend_agg.get_hinting_flag(), }[self._output_type] fontset = fontset_class(prop, load_glyph_flags) fontsize = prop.get_size_in_points() if self._parser is None: # Cache the parser globally. self.__class__._parser = _mathtext.Parser() box = self._parser.parse(s, fontset, fontsize, dpi) output = _mathtext.ship(box) if self._output_type == "vector": return output.to_vector() elif self._output_type == "raster": return output.to_raster() def math_to_image(s, filename_or_obj, prop=None, dpi=None, format=None, *, color=None): """ Given a math expression, renders it in a closely-clipped bounding box to an image file. Parameters ---------- s : str A math expression. The math portion must be enclosed in dollar signs. filename_or_obj : str or path-like or file-like Where to write the image data. prop : `.FontProperties`, optional The size and style of the text. dpi : float, optional The output dpi. If not set, the dpi is determined as for `.Figure.savefig`. format : str, optional The output format, e.g., 'svg', 'pdf', 'ps' or 'png'. If not set, the format is determined as for `.Figure.savefig`. color : str, optional Foreground color, defaults to :rc:`text.color`. """ from matplotlib import figure parser = MathTextParser('path') width, height, depth, _, _ = parser.parse(s, dpi=72, prop=prop) fig = figure.Figure(figsize=(width / 72.0, height / 72.0)) fig.text(0, depth/height, s, fontproperties=prop, color=color) fig.savefig(filename_or_obj, dpi=dpi, format=format) return depth