Add code to report

Gasper Spagnolo 2022-11-11 14:48:53 +01:00
parent e399ec32e9
commit 94ff174be4
7 changed files with 130 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -75,6 +75,43 @@ But still I was not satisfied with the results so I decided to add some more pun
so that it converges to the correct path.
The critical section evaluation in code is done as follows:
def walk_through_maze(self, solution_matrix, critical_situation):
queue = [[self.start_pos]]
def add_to_queue(full_path, x, y):
if (x,y) not in full_path:
full_path.append((x, y))
while queue != []:
full_path = queue.pop()
x, y = full_path[-1]
if(self.maze[x][y] == 'E'):
return full_path
if x + 1 < len(self.maze) :
if solution_matrix[x+1, y] == 1 and
(critical_situation or (self.maze[x+1][y] == "." or self.maze[x+1][y] == "E")):
add_to_queue(full_path, x+1, y)
if x - 1 >= 0:
if solution_matrix[x-1, y] == 1 and
(critical_situation or (self.maze[x-1][y] == "." or self.maze[x-1][y] == "E")):
add_to_queue(full_path, x-1, y)
if y + 1 < len(self.maze) :
if solution_matrix[x, y+1] == 1 and
(critical_situation or(self.maze[x][y+1] == "." or self.maze[x][y+1] == "E")):
add_to_queue(full_path, x, y+1)
if y - 1 >= 0:
if solution_matrix[x, y-1] == 1 and
(critical_situation or (self.maze[x][y-1] == "." or self.maze[x][y-1] == "E")):
add_to_queue(full_path, x, y-1)
return []
\subsubsection{Run the genetic algorithm with suitable settings}
I used the following settings wen running the algorithm:
@ -155,5 +192,43 @@ Other mazes found also found some solutions, but they were not optimal. Or they
So I will try to improve them in the following sections.
\subsection{Task 2}
\subsubsection{Task description}
The default mutation and crossover functions in R are not well-suited for this task because they do not
necessarily return valid paths (for example, the mutation might introduce a move that goes through a
wall). To fix this, modify the mutation and selection functions so that they take the walls into account.
Additionally, try to create a starting population in a way that takes walls into account.
You can base your crossover and mutation functions on existing GA library functions.
Modify at least one crossover or mutation function in a way that makes them more suitable for this task.
\subsection{Task 3}
\subsubsection{Task description}
In Task 3, mazes also contain treasure (marked with T). For example:
maze2 = c("####E######",
Your task is to modify your approach so that the solution returns as short a path as possible that also
collects all the treasure.
\subsection{Task 4}
\subsubsection{Task description}
Present a report that describes your approach, shows highlights of your code, and presents the results.
The results have to include performance comparisons between different settings of the genetic algorithm
(different mutation, crossover and selection functions, different starting populations and so on). Make
sure to evaluate your approach on different mazes, the one in the instructions is just an example. The
mazes.r file on ucilnica contains several additional examples of various sizes and complexities. Find
the largest size of a maze that can still be solved with your approach - feel free to create your own
mazes if the example mazes are too small. Produce a graph to show how the maze size affects the
running time of the genetic algorithm