Images included in pdf, tomorrow just a short description to add how the tests were concludded

Gasper Spagnolo 2022-11-12 22:45:45 +01:00
parent 2fb92caa42
commit 8a342199c1
7 changed files with 92 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ Example of the shortest path found on maze 4:
\caption{Shortest path in maze 4, collecting all treasures}
\caption{shortest path in maze 4, collecting all treasures}
@ -382,7 +382,31 @@ the largest size of a maze that can still be solved with your approach - feel fr
mazes if the example mazes are too small. Produce a graph to show how the maze size affects the
running time of the genetic algorithm.
I generated 18 mazes with different sizes and tested with the first primitve algorithm and then with the one improved. The results are shown in the following graph:
\subsubsection{Speed comparison between algorithm used in fist task and algorithm used in second task}
\caption{Default mutations and random population vs custom mutation and custom population}
\subsubsection{How algorithm efficency decreases with maze size}
\caption{Computation time for different maze sizes}
\subsubsection{How algorithm performs when there are treasures included}
\caption{Computation time for different maze sizes with treasures}