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2022-12-19 10:09:00 +01:00
from .ast import AtRule, Declaration, ParseError, QualifiedRule
from .tokenizer import parse_component_value_list
def _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments=False):
"""Iterate component values out of string or component values iterable.
:type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable`
:param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`.
:type skip_comments: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_comments: If the input is a string, ignore all CSS comments.
:returns: An iterator yielding :term:`component values`.
# Accept ASCII-only byte strings on Python 2, with implicit conversion.
if isinstance(input, str):
input = parse_component_value_list(input, skip_comments)
return iter(input)
def _next_significant(tokens):
"""Return the next significant (neither whitespace or comment) token.
:type tokens: :term:`iterator`
:param tokens: An iterator yielding :term:`component values`.
:returns: A :term:`component value`, or :obj:`None`.
for token in tokens:
if token.type not in ('whitespace', 'comment'):
return token
def parse_one_component_value(input, skip_comments=False):
"""Parse a single :diagram:`component value`.
This is used e.g. for an attribute value
referred to by ``attr(foo length)``.
:type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable`
:param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`.
:type skip_comments: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_comments: If the input is a string, ignore all CSS comments.
A :term:`component value` (that is neither whitespace or comment),
or a :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError`.
tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments)
first = _next_significant(tokens)
second = _next_significant(tokens)
if first is None:
return ParseError(1, 1, 'empty', 'Input is empty')
if second is not None:
return ParseError(
second.source_line, second.source_column, 'extra-input',
'Got more than one token')
return first
def parse_one_declaration(input, skip_comments=False):
"""Parse a single :diagram:`declaration`.
This is used e.g. for a declaration in an `@supports
<>`_ test.
:type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable`
:param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`.
:type skip_comments: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_comments: If the input is a string, ignore all CSS comments.
A :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration`
or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError`.
Any whitespace or comment before the ``:`` colon is dropped.
tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments)
first_token = _next_significant(tokens)
if first_token is None:
return ParseError(1, 1, 'empty', 'Input is empty')
return _parse_declaration(first_token, tokens)
def _parse_declaration(first_token, tokens):
"""Parse a declaration.
Consume :obj:`tokens` until the end of the declaration or the first error.
:type first_token: :term:`component value`
:param first_token: The first component value of the rule.
:type tokens: :term:`iterator`
:param tokens: An iterator yielding :term:`component values`.
A :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration`
or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError`.
name = first_token
if name.type != 'ident':
return ParseError(name.source_line, name.source_column, 'invalid',
'Expected <ident> for declaration name, got %s.'
% name.type)
colon = _next_significant(tokens)
if colon is None:
return ParseError(name.source_line, name.source_column, 'invalid',
"Expected ':' after declaration name, got EOF")
elif colon != ':':
return ParseError(colon.source_line, colon.source_column, 'invalid',
"Expected ':' after declaration name, got %s."
% colon.type)
value = []
state = 'value'
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
if state == 'value' and token == '!':
state = 'bang'
bang_position = i
elif state == 'bang' and token.type == 'ident' \
and token.lower_value == 'important':
state = 'important'
elif token.type not in ('whitespace', 'comment'):
state = 'value'
if state == 'important':
del value[bang_position:]
return Declaration(name.source_line, name.source_column, name.value,
name.lower_value, value, state == 'important')
def _consume_declaration_in_list(first_token, tokens):
"""Like :func:`_parse_declaration`, but stop at the first ``;``."""
other_declaration_tokens = []
for token in tokens:
if token == ';':
return _parse_declaration(first_token, iter(other_declaration_tokens))
def parse_declaration_list(input, skip_comments=False, skip_whitespace=False):
"""Parse a :diagram:`declaration list` (which may also contain at-rules).
This is used e.g. for the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.content`
of a style rule or ``@page`` rule,
or for the ``style`` attribute of an HTML element.
In contexts that dont expect any at-rule,
all :class:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule` objects
should simply be rejected as invalid.
:type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable`
:param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`.
:type skip_comments: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_comments:
Ignore CSS comments at the top-level of the list.
If the input is a string, ignore all comments.
:type skip_whitespace: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_whitespace:
Ignore whitespace at the top-level of the list.
Whitespace is still preserved
in the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration.value` of declarations
and the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.prelude`
and :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.content` of at-rules.
A list of
:class:`~tinycss2.ast.Comment` (if ``skip_comments`` is false),
(if ``skip_whitespace`` is false),
and :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError` objects
tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments)
result = []
for token in tokens:
if token.type == 'whitespace':
if not skip_whitespace:
elif token.type == 'comment':
if not skip_comments:
elif token.type == 'at-keyword':
result.append(_consume_at_rule(token, tokens))
elif token != ';':
result.append(_consume_declaration_in_list(token, tokens))
return result
def parse_one_rule(input, skip_comments=False):
"""Parse a single :diagram:`qualified rule` or :diagram:`at-rule`.
This would be used e.g. by `insertRule()
in an implementation of CSSOM.
:type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable`
:param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`.
:type skip_comments: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_comments:
If the input is a string, ignore all CSS comments.
A :class:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule`,
or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError` objects.
Any whitespace or comment before or after the rule is dropped.
tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments)
first = _next_significant(tokens)
if first is None:
return ParseError(1, 1, 'empty', 'Input is empty')
rule = _consume_rule(first, tokens)
next = _next_significant(tokens)
if next is not None:
return ParseError(
next.source_line, next.source_column, 'extra-input',
'Expected a single rule, got %s after the first rule.' % next.type)
return rule
def parse_rule_list(input, skip_comments=False, skip_whitespace=False):
"""Parse a non-top-level :diagram:`rule list`.
This is used for parsing the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.content`
of nested rules like ``@media``.
This differs from :func:`parse_stylesheet` in that
top-level ``<!--`` and ``-->`` tokens are not ignored.
:type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable`
:param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`.
:type skip_comments: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_comments:
Ignore CSS comments at the top-level of the list.
If the input is a string, ignore all comments.
:type skip_whitespace: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_whitespace:
Ignore whitespace at the top-level of the list.
Whitespace is still preserved
in the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.prelude`
and the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.content` of rules.
A list of
:class:`~tinycss2.ast.Comment` (if ``skip_comments`` is false),
(if ``skip_whitespace`` is false),
and :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError` objects.
tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments)
result = []
for token in tokens:
if token.type == 'whitespace':
if not skip_whitespace:
elif token.type == 'comment':
if not skip_comments:
result.append(_consume_rule(token, tokens))
return result
def parse_stylesheet(input, skip_comments=False, skip_whitespace=False):
"""Parse :diagram:`stylesheet` from text.
This is used e.g. for a ``<style>`` HTML element.
This differs from :func:`parse_rule_list` in that
top-level ``<!--`` and ``-->`` tokens are ignored.
This is a legacy quirk for the ``<style>`` HTML element.
:type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable`
:param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`.
:type skip_comments: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_comments:
Ignore CSS comments at the top-level of the stylesheet.
If the input is a string, ignore all comments.
:type skip_whitespace: :obj:`bool`
:param skip_whitespace:
Ignore whitespace at the top-level of the stylesheet.
Whitespace is still preserved
in the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.prelude`
and the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.content` of rules.
A list of
:class:`~tinycss2.ast.Comment` (if ``skip_comments`` is false),
(if ``skip_whitespace`` is false),
and :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError` objects.
tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments)
result = []
for token in tokens:
if token.type == 'whitespace':
if not skip_whitespace:
elif token.type == 'comment':
if not skip_comments:
elif token not in ('<!--', '-->'):
result.append(_consume_rule(token, tokens))
return result
def _consume_rule(first_token, tokens):
"""Parse a qualified rule or at-rule.
Consume just enough of :obj:`tokens` for this rule.
:type first_token: :term:`component value`
:param first_token: The first component value of the rule.
:type tokens: :term:`iterator`
:param tokens: An iterator yielding :term:`component values`.
A :class:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule`,
or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError`.
if first_token.type == 'at-keyword':
return _consume_at_rule(first_token, tokens)
if first_token.type == '{} block':
prelude = []
block = first_token
prelude = [first_token]
for token in tokens:
if token.type == '{} block':
block = token
return ParseError(
prelude[-1].source_line, prelude[-1].source_column, 'invalid',
'EOF reached before {} block for a qualified rule.')
return QualifiedRule(first_token.source_line, first_token.source_column,
prelude, block.content)
def _consume_at_rule(at_keyword, tokens):
"""Parse an at-rule.
Consume just enough of :obj:`tokens` for this rule.
:type at_keyword: :class:`AtKeywordToken`
:param at_keyword: The at-rule keyword token starting this rule.
:type tokens: :term:`iterator`
:param tokens: An iterator yielding :term:`component values`.
A :class:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule`,
or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError`.
prelude = []
content = None
for token in tokens:
if token.type == '{} block':
content = token.content
elif token == ';':
return AtRule(at_keyword.source_line, at_keyword.source_column,
at_keyword.value, at_keyword.lower_value, prelude, content)