import deeplsd.models.deeplsd_inference as deeplsd_inference import numpy as np import torch from ...settings import DATA_PATH from ..base_model import BaseModel class DeepLSD(BaseModel): default_conf = { "min_length": 15, "max_num_lines": None, "force_num_lines": False, "model_conf": { "detect_lines": True, "line_detection_params": { "merge": False, "grad_nfa": True, "filtering": "normal", "grad_thresh": 3, }, }, } required_data_keys = ["image"] def _init(self, conf): if self.conf.force_num_lines: assert ( self.conf.max_num_lines is not None ), "Missing max_num_lines parameter" ckpt = DATA_PATH / "weights/deeplsd_md.tar" if not ckpt.is_file(): self.download_model(ckpt) ckpt = torch.load(ckpt, map_location="cpu") = deeplsd_inference.DeepLSD(conf.model_conf).eval()["model"]) self.set_initialized() def download_model(self, path): import subprocess if not path.parent.is_dir(): path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) link = "" cmd = ["wget", link, "-O", path] print("Downloading DeepLSD model..."), check=True) def _forward(self, data): image = data["image"] lines, line_scores, valid_lines = [], [], [] if image.shape[1] == 3: # Convert to grayscale scale = image.new_tensor([0.299, 0.587, 0.114]).view(1, 3, 1, 1) image = (image * scale).sum(1, keepdim=True) # Forward pass with torch.no_grad(): segs ={"image": image})["lines"] # Line scores are the sqrt of the length for seg in segs: lengths = np.linalg.norm(seg[:, 0] - seg[:, 1], axis=1) segs = seg[lengths >= self.conf.min_length] scores = np.sqrt(lengths[lengths >= self.conf.min_length]) # Keep the best lines indices = np.argsort(-scores) if self.conf.max_num_lines is not None: indices = indices[: self.conf.max_num_lines] segs = segs[indices] scores = scores[indices] # Pad if necessary n = len(segs) valid_mask = np.ones(n, dtype=bool) if self.conf.force_num_lines: pad = self.conf.max_num_lines - n segs = np.concatenate( [segs, np.zeros((pad, 2, 2), dtype=np.float32)], axis=0 ) scores = np.concatenate( [scores, np.zeros(pad, dtype=np.float32)], axis=0 ) valid_mask = np.concatenate( [valid_mask, np.zeros(pad, dtype=bool)], axis=0 ) lines.append(segs) line_scores.append(scores) valid_lines.append(valid_mask) # Batch if possible if len(image) == 1 or self.conf.force_num_lines: lines = torch.tensor(lines, dtype=torch.float, device=image.device) line_scores = torch.tensor( line_scores, dtype=torch.float, device=image.device ) valid_lines = torch.tensor( valid_lines, dtype=torch.bool, device=image.device ) return {"lines": lines, "line_scores": line_scores, "valid_lines": valid_lines} def loss(self, pred, data): raise NotImplementedError