import traceback import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from omegaconf import OmegaConf from matplotlib.widgets import Button from copy import deepcopy import functools # from ..eval.export_predictions import load_predictions from ..models.cache_loader import CacheLoader from ..datasets.base_dataset import collate from .tools import RadioHideTool class GlobalFrame: default_conf = { "x": "???", "y": "???", "diff": False, "child": {}, "remove_outliers": False, } child_frame = None # MatchFrame childs = [] lines = [] scatters = {} def __init__( self, conf, results, loader, predictions, title=None, child_frame=None ): self.child_frame = child_frame if self.child_frame is not None: # We do NOT merge inside the child frame to keep settings across figs self.default_conf["child"] = self.child_frame.default_conf self.conf = OmegaConf.merge(self.default_conf, conf) self.results = results self.loader = loader self.predictions = predictions self.metrics = set() for k, v in results.items(): self.metrics.update(v.keys()) self.metrics = sorted(list(self.metrics)) self.conf.x = conf["x"] if conf["x"] else self.metrics[0] self.conf.y = conf["y"] if conf["y"] else self.metrics[1] assert self.conf.x in self.metrics assert self.conf.y in self.metrics self.names = list(results) self.fig, self.axes = self.init_frame() if title is not None: self.fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(title) self.xradios = self.fig.canvas.manager.toolmanager.add_tool( "x", RadioHideTool, options=self.metrics, callback_fn=self.update_x, active=self.conf.x, keymap="x", ) self.yradios = self.fig.canvas.manager.toolmanager.add_tool( "y", RadioHideTool, options=self.metrics, callback_fn=self.update_y, active=self.conf.y, keymap="y", ) if self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar is not None: self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.add_tool("x", "navigation") self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.add_tool("y", "navigation") def init_frame(self): """initialize frame""" fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title("click on points") diffb_ax = fig.add_axes([0.01, 0.02, 0.12, 0.06]) self.diffb = Button(diffb_ax, label="diff_only") self.diffb.on_clicked(self.diff_clicked) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("pick_event", self.on_scatter_pick) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self.hover) return fig, ax def draw(self): """redraw content in frame""" self.scatters = {} self.axes.clear() self.axes.set_xlabel(self.conf.x) self.axes.set_ylabel(self.conf.y) refx = 0.0 refy = 0.0 x_cat = isinstance(self.results[self.names[0]][self.conf.x][0], (bytes, str)) y_cat = isinstance(self.results[self.names[0]][self.conf.y][0], (bytes, str)) if self.conf.diff: if not x_cat: refx = np.array(self.results[self.names[0]][self.conf.x]) if not y_cat: refy = np.array(self.results[self.names[0]][self.conf.y]) for name in list(self.results.keys()): x = np.array(self.results[name][self.conf.x]) y = np.array(self.results[name][self.conf.y]) if x_cat and np.char.isdigit(x.astype(str)).all(): x = x.astype(int) if y_cat and np.char.isdigit(y.astype(str)).all(): y = y.astype(int) x = x if x_cat else x - refx y = y if y_cat else y - refy (s,) = self.axes.plot( x, y, "o", markersize=3, label=name, picker=True, pickradius=5 ) self.scatters[name] = s if x_cat and not y_cat: xunique, ind, xinv, xbin = np.unique( x, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True, return_index=True ) ybin = np.bincount(xinv, weights=y) sort_ax = np.argsort(ind) self.axes.step( xunique[sort_ax], (ybin / xbin)[sort_ax], where="mid", color=s.get_color(), ) if not x_cat: xavg = np.nan_to_num(x).mean() self.axes.axvline(xavg, c=s.get_color(), zorder=1, alpha=1.0) xmed = np.median(x - refx) self.axes.axvline( xmed, c=s.get_color(), zorder=0, alpha=0.5, linestyle="dashed", visible=False, ) if not y_cat: yavg = np.nan_to_num(y).mean() self.axes.axhline(yavg, c=s.get_color(), zorder=1, alpha=0.5) ymed = np.median(y - refy) self.axes.axhline( ymed, c=s.get_color(), zorder=0, alpha=0.5, linestyle="dashed", visible=False, ) if x_cat and x.dtype == object and xunique.shape[0] > 5: self.axes.set_xticklabels(xunique[sort_ax], rotation=90) self.axes.legend() def on_scatter_pick(self, handle): try: art = handle.artist try: event = handle.mouseevent.button.value except AttributeError: return name = art.get_label() ind = handle.ind[0] # draw lines self.spawn_child(name, ind, event=event) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() exit(0) def spawn_child(self, model_name, ind, event=None): [line.remove() for line in self.lines] self.lines = [] x_source = self.scatters[model_name].get_xdata()[ind] y_source = self.scatters[model_name].get_ydata()[ind] for oname in self.names: xn = self.scatters[oname].get_xdata()[ind] yn = self.scatters[oname].get_ydata()[ind] (ln,) = self.axes.plot([x_source, xn], [y_source, yn], "r") self.lines.append(ln) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() if self.child_frame is None: return data = collate([self.loader.dataset[ind]]) preds = {} for name, pfile in self.predictions.items(): preds[name] = CacheLoader({"path": str(pfile), "add_data_path": False})( data ) summaries_i = { name: {k: v[ind] for k, v in res.items() if k != "names"} for name, res in self.results.items() } frame = self.child_frame( self.conf.child, deepcopy(data), preds, title=str(data["name"][0]), event=event, summaries=summaries_i, ) frame.fig.canvas.mpl_connect( "key_press_event", functools.partial( self.on_childframe_key_event, frame=frame, ind=ind, event=event ), ) self.childs.append(frame) # if plt.rcParams['backend'] == 'webagg': # self.fig.canvas.manager_class.refresh_all() self.childs[-1] def hover(self, event): if event.inaxes == self.axes: for _, s in self.scatters.items(): cont, ind = s.contains(event) if cont: ind = ind["ind"][0] xdata, ydata = s.get_data() [line.remove() for line in self.lines] self.lines = [] for oname in self.names: xn = self.scatters[oname].get_xdata()[ind] yn = self.scatters[oname].get_ydata()[ind] (ln,) = self.axes.plot( [xdata[ind], xn], [ydata[ind], yn], "black", zorder=0, alpha=0.5, ) self.lines.append(ln) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() break def diff_clicked(self, args): self.conf.diff = not self.conf.diff self.draw() self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() def update_x(self, x): self.conf.x = x self.draw() def update_y(self, y): self.conf.y = y self.draw() def on_childframe_key_event(self, key_event, frame, ind, event): if key_event.key == "delete": plt.close(frame.fig) self.childs.remove(frame) elif key_event.key in ["left", "right", "shift+left", "shift+right"]: key = key_event.key if key.startswith("shift+"): key = key.replace("shift+", "") else: plt.close(frame.fig) self.childs.remove(frame) new_ind = ind + 1 if key_event.key == "right" else ind - 1 self.spawn_child( self.names[0], new_ind % len(self.loader), event=event, )