from typing import Tuple import math import numpy as np import torch from .utils import to_homogeneous, from_homogeneous def flat2mat(H): return np.reshape(np.concatenate([H, np.ones_like(H[:, :1])], axis=1), [3, 3]) # Homography creation def create_center_patch(shape, patch_shape=None): if patch_shape is None: patch_shape = shape width, height = shape pwidth, pheight = patch_shape left = int((width - pwidth) / 2) bottom = int((height - pheight) / 2) right = int((width + pwidth) / 2) top = int((height + pheight) / 2) return np.array([[left, bottom], [left, top], [right, top], [right, bottom]]) def check_convex(patch, min_convexity=0.05): """Checks if given polygon vertices [N,2] form a convex shape""" for i in range(patch.shape[0]): x1, y1 = patch[(i - 1) % patch.shape[0]] x2, y2 = patch[i] x3, y3 = patch[(i + 1) % patch.shape[0]] if (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y2) - (x3 - x2) * (y2 - y1) > -min_convexity: return False return True def sample_homography_corners( shape, patch_shape, difficulty=1.0, translation=0.4, n_angles=10, max_angle=90, min_convexity=0.05, rng=np.random, ): max_angle = max_angle / 180.0 * math.pi width, height = shape pwidth, pheight = width * (1 - difficulty), height * (1 - difficulty) min_pts1 = create_center_patch(shape, (pwidth, pheight)) full = create_center_patch(shape) pts2 = create_center_patch(patch_shape) scale = min_pts1 - full found_valid = False cnt = -1 while not found_valid: offsets = rng.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=(4, 2)) * scale pts1 = full + offsets found_valid = check_convex(pts1 / np.array(shape), min_convexity) cnt += 1 # re-center pts1 = pts1 - np.mean(pts1, axis=0, keepdims=True) pts1 = pts1 + np.mean(min_pts1, axis=0, keepdims=True) # Rotation if n_angles > 0 and difficulty > 0: angles = np.linspace(-max_angle * difficulty, max_angle * difficulty, n_angles) rng.shuffle(angles) rng.shuffle(angles) angles = np.concatenate([[0.0], angles], axis=0) center = np.mean(pts1, axis=0, keepdims=True) rot_mat = np.reshape( np.stack( [np.cos(angles), -np.sin(angles), np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)], axis=1, ), [-1, 2, 2], ) rotated = ( np.matmul( np.tile(np.expand_dims(pts1 - center, axis=0), [n_angles + 1, 1, 1]), rot_mat, ) + center ) for idx in range(1, n_angles): warped_points = rotated[idx] / np.array(shape) if np.all((warped_points >= 0.0) & (warped_points < 1.0)): pts1 = rotated[idx] break # Translation if translation > 0: min_trans = -np.min(pts1, axis=0) max_trans = shape - np.max(pts1, axis=0) trans = rng.uniform(min_trans, max_trans)[None] pts1 += trans * translation * difficulty H = compute_homography(pts1, pts2, [1.0, 1.0]) warped = warp_points(full, H, inverse=False) return H, full, warped, patch_shape def compute_homography(pts1_, pts2_, shape): """Compute the homography matrix from 4 point correspondences""" # Rescale to actual size shape = np.array(shape[::-1], dtype=np.float32) # different convention [y, x] pts1 = pts1_ * np.expand_dims(shape, axis=0) pts2 = pts2_ * np.expand_dims(shape, axis=0) def ax(p, q): return [p[0], p[1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -p[0] * q[0], -p[1] * q[0]] def ay(p, q): return [0, 0, 0, p[0], p[1], 1, -p[0] * q[1], -p[1] * q[1]] a_mat = np.stack([f(pts1[i], pts2[i]) for i in range(4) for f in (ax, ay)], axis=0) p_mat = np.transpose( np.stack([[pts2[i][j] for i in range(4) for j in range(2)]], axis=0) ) homography = np.transpose(np.linalg.solve(a_mat, p_mat)) return flat2mat(homography) # Point warping utils def warp_points(points, homography, inverse=True): """ Warp a list of points with the INVERSE of the given homography. The inverse is used to be coherent with tf.contrib.image.transform Arguments: points: list of N points, shape (N, 2). homography: batched or not (shapes (B, 3, 3) and (3, 3) respectively). Returns: a Tensor of shape (N, 2) or (B, N, 2) (depending on whether the homography is batched) containing the new coordinates of the warped points. """ H = homography[None] if len(homography.shape) == 2 else homography # Get the points to the homogeneous format num_points = points.shape[0] # points = points.astype(np.float32)[:, ::-1] points = np.concatenate([points, np.ones([num_points, 1], dtype=np.float32)], -1) H_inv = np.transpose(np.linalg.inv(H) if inverse else H) warped_points = np.tensordot(points, H_inv, axes=[[1], [0]]) warped_points = np.transpose(warped_points, [2, 0, 1]) warped_points[np.abs(warped_points[:, :, 2]) < 1e-8, 2] = 1e-8 warped_points = warped_points[:, :, :2] / warped_points[:, :, 2:] return warped_points[0] if len(homography.shape) == 2 else warped_points def warp_points_torch(points, H, inverse=True): """ Warp a list of points with the INVERSE of the given homography. The inverse is used to be coherent with tf.contrib.image.transform Arguments: points: batched list of N points, shape (B, N, 2). homography: batched or not (shapes (B, 3, 3) and (3, 3) respectively). Returns: a Tensor of shape (B, N, 2) containing the new coordinates of the warps. """ # Get the points to the homogeneous format points = to_homogeneous(points) # Apply the homography H_mat = (torch.inverse(H) if inverse else H).transpose(-2, -1) warped_points = torch.einsum("...nj,...ji->", points, H_mat) warped_points = from_homogeneous(warped_points, eps=1e-5) return warped_points # Line warping utils def seg_equation(segs): # calculate list of start, end and midpoints points from both lists start_points, end_points = to_homogeneous(segs[..., 0, :]), to_homogeneous( segs[..., 1, :] ) # Compute the line equations as ax + by + c = 0 , where x^2 + y^2 = 1 lines = torch.cross(start_points, end_points, dim=-1) lines_norm = torch.sqrt(lines[..., 0] ** 2 + lines[..., 1] ** 2)[..., None] assert torch.all( lines_norm > 0 ), "Error: trying to compute the equation of a line with a single point" lines = lines / lines_norm return lines def is_inside_img(pts: torch.Tensor, img_shape: Tuple[int, int]): h, w = img_shape return ( (pts >= 0).all(dim=-1) & (pts[..., 0] < w) & (pts[..., 1] < h) & (~torch.isinf(pts).any(dim=-1)) ) def shrink_segs_to_img(segs: torch.Tensor, img_shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Shrink an array of segments to fit inside the image. :param segs: The tensor of segments with shape (N, 2, 2) :param img_shape: The image shape in format (H, W) """ EPS = 1e-4 device = segs.device w, h = img_shape[1], img_shape[0] # Project the segments to the reference image segs = segs.clone() eqs = seg_equation(segs) x0, y0 = torch.tensor([1.0, 0, 0.0], device=device), torch.tensor( [0.0, 1, 0], device=device ) x0 = x0.repeat(eqs.shape[:-1] + (1,)) y0 = y0.repeat(eqs.shape[:-1] + (1,)) pt_x0s = torch.cross(eqs, x0, dim=-1) pt_x0s = pt_x0s[..., :-1] / pt_x0s[..., None, -1] pt_x0s_valid = is_inside_img(pt_x0s, img_shape) pt_y0s = torch.cross(eqs, y0, dim=-1) pt_y0s = pt_y0s[..., :-1] / pt_y0s[..., None, -1] pt_y0s_valid = is_inside_img(pt_y0s, img_shape) xW = torch.tensor([1.0, 0, EPS - w], device=device) yH = torch.tensor([0.0, 1, EPS - h], device=device) xW = xW.repeat(eqs.shape[:-1] + (1,)) yH = yH.repeat(eqs.shape[:-1] + (1,)) pt_xWs = torch.cross(eqs, xW, dim=-1) pt_xWs = pt_xWs[..., :-1] / pt_xWs[..., None, -1] pt_xWs_valid = is_inside_img(pt_xWs, img_shape) pt_yHs = torch.cross(eqs, yH, dim=-1) pt_yHs = pt_yHs[..., :-1] / pt_yHs[..., None, -1] pt_yHs_valid = is_inside_img(pt_yHs, img_shape) # If the X coordinate of the first endpoint is out mask = (segs[..., 0, 0] < 0) & pt_x0s_valid segs[mask, 0, :] = pt_x0s[mask] mask = (segs[..., 0, 0] > (w - 1)) & pt_xWs_valid segs[mask, 0, :] = pt_xWs[mask] # If the X coordinate of the second endpoint is out mask = (segs[..., 1, 0] < 0) & pt_x0s_valid segs[mask, 1, :] = pt_x0s[mask] mask = (segs[:, 1, 0] > (w - 1)) & pt_xWs_valid segs[mask, 1, :] = pt_xWs[mask] # If the Y coordinate of the first endpoint is out mask = (segs[..., 0, 1] < 0) & pt_y0s_valid segs[mask, 0, :] = pt_y0s[mask] mask = (segs[..., 0, 1] > (h - 1)) & pt_yHs_valid segs[mask, 0, :] = pt_yHs[mask] # If the Y coordinate of the second endpoint is out mask = (segs[..., 1, 1] < 0) & pt_y0s_valid segs[mask, 1, :] = pt_y0s[mask] mask = (segs[..., 1, 1] > (h - 1)) & pt_yHs_valid segs[mask, 1, :] = pt_yHs[mask] assert ( torch.all(segs >= 0) and torch.all(segs[..., 0] < w) and torch.all(segs[..., 1] < h) ) return segs def warp_lines_torch( lines, H, inverse=True, dst_shape: Tuple[int, int] = None ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ :param lines: A tensor of shape (B, N, 2, 2) where B is the batch size, N the number of lines. :param H: The homography used to convert the lines. batched or not (shapes (B, 3, 3) and (3, 3) respectively). :param inverse: Whether to apply H or the inverse of H :param dst_shape:If provided, lines are trimmed to be inside the image """ device = lines.device batch_size = len(lines) lines = warp_points_torch(lines.reshape(batch_size, -1, 2), H, inverse).reshape( lines.shape ) if dst_shape is None: return lines, torch.ones(lines.shape[:-2], dtype=torch.bool, device=device) out_img = torch.any( (lines < 0) | (lines >= torch.tensor(dst_shape[::-1], device=device)), -1 ) valid = ~out_img.all(-1) any_out_of_img = out_img.any(-1) lines_to_trim = valid & any_out_of_img for b in range(batch_size): lines_to_trim_mask_b = lines_to_trim[b] lines_to_trim_b = lines[b][lines_to_trim_mask_b] corrected_lines = shrink_segs_to_img(lines_to_trim_b, dst_shape) lines[b][lines_to_trim_mask_b] = corrected_lines return lines, valid # Homography evaluation utils def sym_homography_error(kpts0, kpts1, T_0to1): kpts0_1 = from_homogeneous(to_homogeneous(kpts0) @ T_0to1.transpose(-1, -2)) dist0_1 = ((kpts0_1 - kpts1) ** 2).sum(-1).sqrt() kpts1_0 = from_homogeneous( to_homogeneous(kpts1) @ torch.pinverse(T_0to1.transpose(-1, -2)) ) dist1_0 = ((kpts1_0 - kpts0) ** 2).sum(-1).sqrt() return (dist0_1 + dist1_0) / 2.0 def sym_homography_error_all(kpts0, kpts1, H): kp0_1 = warp_points_torch(kpts0, H, inverse=False) kp1_0 = warp_points_torch(kpts1, H, inverse=True) # build a distance matrix of size [... x M x N] dist0 = torch.sum((kp0_1.unsqueeze(-2) - kpts1.unsqueeze(-3)) ** 2, -1).sqrt() dist1 = torch.sum((kpts0.unsqueeze(-2) - kp1_0.unsqueeze(-3)) ** 2, -1).sqrt() return (dist0 + dist1) / 2.0 def homography_corner_error(T, T_gt, image_size): W, H = image_size[:, 0], image_size[:, 1] corners0 = torch.Tensor([[0, 0], [W, 0], [W, H], [0, H]]).float().to(T) corners1_gt = from_homogeneous(to_homogeneous(corners0) @ T_gt.transpose(-1, -2)) corners1 = from_homogeneous(to_homogeneous(corners0) @ T.transpose(-1, -2)) d = torch.sqrt(((corners1 - corners1_gt) ** 2).sum(-1)) return d.mean(-1)