import numpy as np import numpy.typing as npt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import cv2 import uz_framework.image as uz_image import uz_framework.text as uz_text ################################################################# # EXCERCISE 1: Exercise 1: Global approach to image description # ################################################################# def ex1(): #one_a() #one_b() #one_c() one_d() def one_a() -> None: """ Follow the equations above and derive the equations used to compute first and second derivatives with respect to y: Iy(x, y), Iyy(x, y), as well as the mixed derivative Ixy(x, y) """ def one_b() -> None: """ Implement a function that computes the derivative of a 1-D Gaussian kernel Implement the function gaussdx(sigma) that works the same as function gauss from the previous assignment. Don’t forget to normalize the kernel. Be careful as the derivative is an odd function, so a simple sum will not do. Instead normalize the kernel by dividing the values such that the sum of absolute values is 1. Effectively, you have to divide each value by sum(abs(gx(x))). """ sigmas = [0.5, 1, 2] for sigma in sigmas: kernel = uz_image.gaussdx(sigma) print(kernel) def one_c() -> None: """ The properties of the filter can be analyzed by using an impulse response function. This is performed as a convolution of the filter with a Dirac delta function. The discrete version of the Dirac function is constructed as a finite image that has all elements set to 0 except the central element, which is set to a high value (e.g. 1). Generate a 1-D Gaussian kernel G and a Gaussian derivative kernel D. What happens if you apply the following operations to the impulse image? (a) First convolution with G and then convolution with GT (b) First convolution with G and then convolution with DT (c) First convolution with D and then convolution with GT (d) First convolution with GT and then convolution with D. (e) First convolution with DT and then convolution with G. Is the order of operations important? Display the images of the impulse responses for different combinations of operations. """ impulse = uz_image.generate_dirac_impulse(50) gauss = np.array([uz_image.get_gaussian_kernel(3)]) gaussdx = np.array([uz_image.gaussdx(3)]) # Becouse CV2 applies the correlation instead of convolution, we need to flip the kernels gauss = np.flip(gauss, axis=1) gaussdx = np.flip(gaussdx, axis=1) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3) # Plot impulse only axs[0, 0].imshow(impulse, cmap='gray') axs[0, 0].set_title('Impulse') # Plot impulse after convolution with G and GT g_gt_impulse = impulse.copy() g_gt_impulse = cv2.filter2D(g_gt_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gauss) g_gt_impulse = cv2.filter2D(g_gt_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gauss.T) axs[1, 0].imshow(g_gt_impulse, cmap='gray') axs[1, 0].set_title('impulse * G * GT') # Plot impulse after convolution with G and DT g_dt_impulse = impulse.copy() g_dt_impulse = cv2.filter2D(g_dt_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gauss) g_dt_impulse = cv2.filter2D(g_dt_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gaussdx.T) axs[0, 1].imshow(g_dt_impulse, cmap='gray') axs[0, 1].set_title('impulse * G * DT') # Plot impulse after convolution with D and GT d_gt_impulse = impulse.copy() d_gt_impulse = cv2.filter2D(d_gt_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gaussdx) d_gt_impulse = cv2.filter2D(d_gt_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gauss.T) axs[0, 2].imshow(d_gt_impulse, cmap='gray') axs[0, 2].set_title('impulse * D * GT') # Plot impulse after convolution with GT and D gt_d_impulse = impulse.copy() gt_d_impulse = cv2.filter2D(gt_d_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gauss.T) gt_d_impulse = cv2.filter2D(gt_d_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gaussdx) axs[1, 1].imshow(gt_d_impulse, cmap='gray') axs[1, 1].set_title('impulse * GT * D') # Plot impulse after convolution with DT and G dt_g_impulse = impulse.copy() dt_g_impulse = cv2.filter2D(dt_g_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gaussdx.T) dt_g_impulse = cv2.filter2D(dt_g_impulse, cv2.CV_64F, gauss) axs[1, 2].imshow(dt_g_impulse, cmap='gray') axs[1, 2].set_title('impulse * DT * G') def one_d() -> None: """ Implement a function that uses functions gauss and gaussdx to compute both partial derivatives of a given image with respect to x and with respect to y. Similarly, implement a function that returns partial second order derivatives of a given image. Additionally, implement the function gradient_magnitude that accepts a grayscale image I and returns both derivative magnitudes and derivative angles. Magnitude is calculated as m(x, y) = sqrt(Ix(x,y)^2 + Iy(x, y)^2) and angles are calculated as φ(x, y) = arctan(Iy(x, y)/Ix(x, y)) Hint: Use function np.arctan2 to avoid division by zero for calculating the arctangent function. Use all the implemented functions on the same image and display the results in the same window. """ museum = uz_image.imread_gray('./images/museum.jpg', uz_image.ImageType.float64) museum_x, museum_y = uz_image.derive_image_first_order(museum, 1) (museum_xx, museum_xy) , (_, museum_yy) = uz_image.derive_image_second_order(museum, 1) derivative_magnitude, derivative_angle = uz_image.gradient_magnitude(museum, 1) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 4) fig.suptitle('Museum') axs[0,0].imshow(museum, cmap='gray') axs[0,0].set_title('Original') axs[0, 1].imshow(museum_x, cmap='gray') axs[0, 1].set_title('I_x') axs[0, 2].imshow(museum_y, cmap='gray') axs[0, 2].set_title('I_y') axs[1, 0].imshow(museum_xx, cmap='gray') axs[1, 0].set_title('I_xx') axs[1, 1].imshow(museum_xy, cmap='gray') axs[1, 1].set_title('I_xy') axs[1, 2].imshow(museum_yy, cmap='gray') axs[1, 2].set_title('I_yy') axs[0, 3].imshow(derivative_magnitude, cmap='gray') axs[0, 3].set_title('I_mag') axs[1, 3].imshow(derivative_angle, cmap='gray') axs[1, 3].set_title('I_dir') # ######## # # SOLUTION # # ######## # def main(): ex1() #ex2() #ex3() if __name__ == '__main__': main()