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2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import cv2
import uz_framework.image as uz_image
import uz_framework.text as uz_text
import os
def one_a() -> None:
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
Solve the following assignment by hand for practice: You are given four points
A(3, 4), B(3, 6), C(7, 6) and D(6, 4). Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for
the given set of points.
print('Solved in notes')
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
def one_b() -> None:
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
Write a script to calculate and visualize PCA from 2D data from the file points.txt
(the first column contains the x axis and the second column the y axis). Plot the
points and draw the representation of the Gaussian distribution using drawEllipse
from the supplementary material. Follow the Algorithm 1 to compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the PCA subspace.
points = np.loadtxt('./data/points.txt')
uz_image.compute_PCA(points, plot=True)
def one_c() -> None:
The matrix U contains the eigenvectors that represent the basis of our PCA subspace. Draw the eigenvectors on the plot from the previous task. Their origin should
lie at the mean of the data µ. Since both vectors have the length 1, a better way
for visualizing them is to multiply each vector with the corresponding eigenvalue.
Draw the first eigenvector with red and the second with green.
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
points = np.loadtxt('./data/points.txt')
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
uz_image.compute_PCA(points, plot=True)
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
def one_d() -> None:
points = np.loadtxt('./data/points.txt')
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
U, S, VT, _ = uz_image.compute_PCA(points)
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
uz_image.plot_histogram_pca(U, S, VT)
# U is the matrix of eigenvectors
# S is the vector of eigenvalues
def one_e() -> None:
Now remove the direction of the lowest variance from the input data. This means
we will project the data into the subspace of the first eigenvector. We can do this
by transforming the data into the PCA space then setting to 0 the components
corresponding to the eigenvectors we want to remove. The resulting points can
then be transformed back to the original space. Project each of the input points to
PCA space, then project them back to Cartesian space by multiplying them by the
diminished matrix U.
points = np.loadtxt('./data/points.txt')
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
U, _, _, mean = uz_image.compute_PCA(points)
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# Drop all but first eigenvector
U = U[:, 0:1]
# Project points into PCA subspace
y_i = np.matmul(points - mean, U)
# Project points back into original subspace
x_i = np.matmul(y_i, U.T) + mean
# Plot the original points and the projected points
plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], c='b', label='Original')
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plt.scatter(x_i[:, 0], x_i[:, 1], c='r', label='Projected into a space of first eigenvector')
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2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
def one_f() -> None:
For the point qpoint = [6, 6]T
calculate the closest point from the input data (using
Euclidean distance). Which point is the closest? Then, project all the points (including qpoint) to PCA subspace (calculated without qpoint) and remove the variation
in the direction of the second vector. Calculate the distances again. Which point is
the closest to qpoint now? Visualize the reconstruction.
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
points = np.loadtxt('./data/points.txt')
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
point = np.array([6,6])
# Find the closest point using euclidian distance
d = np.linalg.norm(points - point, axis=1)
closest_point = points[np.argmin(d)]
# Plot the original points
plt.scatter(points[:,0], points[:,1], c='b', label='Original')
plt.scatter(point[0], point[1], c='g', label=f'Point: {point}')
plt.scatter(closest_point[0], closest_point[1], c='r', label=f'Closest point: {closest_point}')
U, _, _, mean = uz_image.compute_PCA(points)
# Drop all but first eigenvector
U = U[:, 0:1]
# Reproject points
y_i = np.matmul(points - mean, U)
# Reproject back
x_i = np.matmul(y_i, U.T) + mean
# Reproject point
point_repr = np.matmul(point - mean, U)
point_repr = np.matmul(point_repr, U.T) + mean
# Find the closest point using euclidian distance
d = np.linalg.norm(x_i - point_repr, axis=1)
closest_point = x_i[np.argmin(d)]
# Plot tht reprojected points
plt.scatter(x_i[:,0], x_i[:,1], c='purple', label='Reprojected')
plt.scatter(point_repr[0], point_repr[1], c='y', label=f'repr Point: {point_repr}')
plt.scatter(closest_point[0], closest_point[1], c='orange', label=f'Closest point repr: {closest_point}')
def two_a() -> None:
For our requirements it is necessary only to correctly calculate eigenvectors and
eigenvalues up to the scale factor. Therefore implement the dual method according
to the Algorithm 2 and test it using the data from points.txt. The first two
eigenvectors should be the same as with the Algorithm 1. The Algorithm 2 gives
you a larger matrix U, however, all eigenvectors but the first two equal to zero.
_ = np.loadtxt('./data/points.txt')
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
def two_b():
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
Project the data from the previous assignment to the PCA space using matrix U,
and then project the data back again in the original space. If you have implemented
the method correctly, you will get the original data (up to the numerical error).
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
points = np.loadtxt('./data/points.txt')
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
U, _, _, mean = uz_image.dual_PCA(points)
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y_i = np.matmul(points - mean, U)
# Project points back into original subspace
x_i = np.matmul(y_i, U.T) + mean
# Plot the original points and the projected points
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2)
fig.suptitle('DUAL PCA')
axs[0].scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], c='b', label='Original')
axs[1].scatter(x_i[:, 0], x_i[:, 1], c='r', label='Projected')
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
def three_a():
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
Data preparation: Firstly, we have to formulate the problem in a way that is
compatible with the PCA method. Since PCA operates on points in space, we can
represent a grayscale image of size m × n as a point in mn-dimensional space if we
reshape it into a vector. Write a function that reads all the images from one of the
series transforms them into grayscale reshapes them using np.reshape and stacks
the resulting column vectors into a matrix of size mn × 64
_ = uz_image.read_images('./data/faces/1')
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
def three_b():
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
Using dual PCA: Use dual PCA on the vectors of images. Write a function that
takes the matrix of image vectors as input and returns the eigenvectors of the PCA
subspace and the mean of the input data.
Note: In step 5 of Algorithm 2 be careful when computing the inverse of the S as
some of the eigenvalues can be very close to 0. Division by zero can cause numerical
errors when computing a matrix inverse. You have to take into account that the
matrix S is a diagonal matrix and must therefore have non-zero diagonal elements.
One way of solving this numerical problem is that we add a very small constant
value to the diagonal elements, e.g. 1015.
Transform the first five eigenvectors using the np.reshape function back into a
matrix and display them as images. What do the resulting images represent (both
numerically and in the context of faces)?
Project the first image from the series to the PCA space and then back again. Is
the result the same? What do you notice when you change one dimension of the
vector in the image space (e.g. component with index 4074) to 0 and display the
image? Repeat a similar procedure for a vector in the PCA space (project image
in the PCA space, change one of the first five components to zero and project the
image back in the image space and display it as an image). What is the difference?
How many pixels are changed by the first operation and how many by the second
imgs = uz_image.read_images('./data/faces/1')
U, _, _, mean = uz_image.dual_PCA(imgs)
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# Plot those eigenvectors
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 5)
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fig.suptitle('5 strongest eigenvectors')
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for i in range(5):
axs[i].imshow(U[:, i].reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
# Project images into PCA subspace
y_i = np.matmul(imgs - mean, U)
# Project images back into original subspace
x_i = np.matmul(y_i, U.T) + mean
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 5)
fig.suptitle('Original images(top) vs reprojected images(bottom)')
for i in range(5):
axs[0,i].imshow(imgs[i].reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
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for i in range(5):
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
axs[1,i].imshow(x_i[i].reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
img = imgs[0].copy()
# Add noise to index 4074
img[4074] = 0
# Project image into PCA subspace
y_i = np.matmul(img - mean, U)
# Project image back into original subspace
x_i = np.matmul(y_i, U.T) + mean
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
# Count the difference in pixels
diff = (np.sum(np.abs(img - x_i)))
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# Plot the original image and the projected image
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
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fig.suptitle(f'Add noise in cell 4074 before projection into PCA subspace, diff: {np.round(diff, 2)}')
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axs[0].imshow(img.reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
axs[1].imshow(x_i.reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
img2 = imgs[0].copy()
# Project image into PCA subspace
y_i = np.matmul(img2 - mean, U)
y_i[0] = 0
# Project image back into original subspace
x_i = np.matmul(y_i, U.T) + mean
# Plot the original image and the projected images
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
diff = (np.sum(np.abs(img - x_i)))
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
fig.suptitle(f'Add noise in PCA space, diff: {np.round(diff, 2)}')
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axs[0].imshow(img2.reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
axs[1].imshow(x_i.reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
def three_c():
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
Effect of the number of components on the reconstruction: Take a random
image and project it into the PCA space. Then change the vector in the PCA space
by retaining only the first 32 components and setting the remaining components to
0. Project the resulting vector back to the image space and display it as an image.
Repeat the procedure for the first 16, 8, 4, 2, and one eigenvector. Display the
resulting vectors together on one figure. What do you notice?
imgs = uz_image.read_images('./data/faces/1')
U, _, _, mean = uz_image.dual_PCA(imgs)
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
img = imgs[0].copy()
values = [32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
fig, axs = plt.subplots( 2, len(values))
fig.suptitle('Reprojection for different number of eigenvectors')
for ix, value in enumerate(values):
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# Projcet image into PCA subspace
y_i = np.matmul(img - mean, U)
y_i[value:] = 0
# Project image back into original subspace
x_i = np.matmul(y_i, U.T) + mean
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
# Count the number of pixels that are different
diff = (np.sum(np.abs(img - x_i)))
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# Plot the original image and the projected images
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
axs[0, ix].imshow(img.reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
axs[0, ix].set(title='Original image')
axs[1, ix].imshow(x_i.reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
axs[1, ix].set(title=f'#eigenvectors: {value}, diff: {np.round(diff, 2)}')
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
def three_e():
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
Reconstruction of a foreign image: The PCA space is build upon
an array of data. In this task we will check the effect that the transformation to PCA
space has on an image that is not similar to the images that were used to build the
PCA space. Write a script that computes the PCA space for the first face dataset.
Then load the image elephant.jpg, reshape it into a vector and transform it into
the precalculated PCA space, then transform it back to image space. Reshape the
resulting vector back to an image and display both the original and the reconstructed
image. Comment on the results
imgs = uz_image.read_images('./data/faces/1')
U, _, _, mean = uz_image.dual_PCA(imgs)
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
elephant = uz_image.imread_gray('./data/elephant.jpg', uz_image.ImageType.float64)
elephant = elephant.reshape((elephant.shape[0] * elephant.shape[1], 1)).T
# Project image into PCA subspace
y_i = np.matmul(elephant - mean, U)
# Project image back into original subspace
x_i = np.matmul(y_i, U.T) + mean
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
# Count the number of pixels that are different
diff = (np.sum(np.abs(elephant - x_i)))
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
# Plot the original image and the projected images
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
fig.suptitle(f'Elephant reprojected into FACES subspace, diff:{np.round(diff, 2)}')
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
axs[0].imshow(elephant.reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
axs[1].imshow(x_i.reshape((96, 84)), cmap='gray')
2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
def three_g():
imgs_1 = uz_image.read_images('./data/faces/1')
imgs_2 = uz_image.read_images('./data/faces/2')
imgs_3 = uz_image.read_images('./data/faces/3')
imgs = np.vstack((imgs_1, imgs_2, imgs_3))
U, S, VT, mean = uz_image.dual_PCA(imgs)
# Reduce dimension of U to 2D
U_2d = U[:, :2].copy()
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2022-12-27 11:34:53 +01:00
# Project images into PCA subspace
y_i = np.matmul(imgs - mean, U_2d)
y_i = -y_i
# Plot the projected images
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
axs[0].scatter(y_i[:imgs_1.shape[0], 0], y_i[:imgs_1.shape[0], 1], c='r')
axs[0].scatter(y_i[imgs_1.shape[0]:imgs_1.shape[0] + imgs_2.shape[0], 0], y_i[imgs_1.shape[0]:imgs_1.shape[0] + imgs_2.shape[0], 1], c='g')
axs[0].scatter(y_i[imgs_1.shape[0] + imgs_2.shape[0]:, 0], y_i[imgs_1.shape[0] + imgs_2.shape[0]:, 1], c='b')
pts = LDA(U, 3, 64)
# Plot the projected images
axs[1].scatter(pts[:imgs_1.shape[0], 0], pts[:imgs_1.shape[0], 1], c='r')
axs[1].scatter(pts[imgs_1.shape[0]:imgs_1.shape[0] + imgs_2.shape[0], 0], pts[imgs_1.shape[0]:imgs_1.shape[0] + imgs_2.shape[0], 1], c='g')
axs[1].scatter(pts[imgs_1.shape[0] + imgs_2.shape[0]:, 0], pts[imgs_1.shape[0] + imgs_2.shape[0]:, 1], c='b')
2022-12-26 17:08:10 +01:00
def main():
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if __name__ == '__main__':